Columns - May 2015

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    Color Blindness

    Better described as color vision deficiency, color blindness is when an individual is unable to perceive differences between certain color hues. Approximately 8 percent of males and less than 1 percent of females have problems with their color vision. Actual color blindness, seeing only black and white or shades of gray, is extremely rare.
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    Cabbages, Potatoes, and Vodka...Oh My!

    At first glance, that title may evoke visions of Russia, of some fragrant, Russian stew consisting of all three ingredients (to my knowledge, there is no such stew). But those visions would be wrong. Cabbages, potatoes, and vodka are the flavors that stand out most when I remember Kraków, Poland. In all respects, except the vodka, Polish food was remarkably familiar because it reminded me so much of Hungarian cuisine.
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    Final Fantasy VII

    Final Fantasy VII is arguably the best game in the Final Fantasy series. For me, at least, though judging by how often the characters are cosplayed and written about and fangirled over, I'm probably not the only one who thinks this is so. The game at its peak practically broke many sales records at the time of its release, with constant positive ratings across the gaming review boards.
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