Pros and Cons of Holidays
When it comes to the holidays, you either love or hate them; there is rarely middle ground on the case. But have you actually sat down to think why you love them or why you hate them so much? There’s no need to do that really, but it’s always fun to see a list of pros and cons and if nothing else get a good laugh out of it!
Pro: What lovely gifts I’ve got!
You might not get as excited as Dudley Dursley for the number of gifts you get, but you must admit that it always feels good when you get a gift or two (or a lot more *cough*). It’s fulfilling to see what people got you, how much they know you and how much they love you. It might be just a simple wish, yet it could mean the world to you because of various reasons.
Con: Money, money, money!
All those gifts, the holiday food, new clothes and all other expenses are a high blow for everyone’s wallet. Whether you like it or not, the season is just going to swipe away a lot of your savings. The best you can do is making sure the money doesn’t go to waste and that you spent it for something worthy.
Pro: Are you stuffed too?
He holidays equal to many types of food, including special dinner and desserts made exclusively for the occasion. It’s definitely nice to see the fridge and the kitchen as a whole filled with food, so that whenever you feel like getting a snack or grabbing a bite, you won’t have to bother with cooking or getting supplies as you’ll have enough at home already.
Con: Dear Merlin, where did all that adipose come from?!
Regardless of how great it feels to have your favorite type of food, too much food is never healthy (basically too much of anything isn’t healthy, but that’s not the point). Even those who are fastening for the holidays get some weight on, and then don’t even try to get rid of the extra pounds.
Pro: Family portrait at last.
There’s nothing better than gathering with your whole family for dinner and some group activities like watching a movie or looking through old photo albums and remembering the fun you used to have. While you may be close with you family in general through the year, it still feels nice when you’re all together at the table with no worries like work or studying on your mind.
Con: Unpleasant faces, indeed.
With everyone being at home, the only thing that could go wrong is if you’ve had a fight with some relative and there are high chances that you’ll see them during the holidays. While no one should dictate your life and as unpleasant as this can be, this is probably the most suitable time for you to discuss with them your issues and sort out things – nothing like a renewed friendship and a few thank you words to warm your hearts!
Pro: Decorations all around!
A great way to occupy yourself is to get away from the computer and put some effort into decorating the Christmas Tree and the house in general. And yes, like or not someone has to do the cleaning as well! But it’s really not as bad as it sounds. Quite the contrary, once you’re done with decorating the house you’ll feel proud of what you’ve achieved and it’ll rise up your holiday spirit.
Con: Time flies away.
Sadly, as much as you’re going to enjoy the holiday season, you have to keep your head sober(ish), because once the holidays are over all the magic will disappear and you’ll be back at where you’ve left. If you linger with the holiday spirit any longer, you’re going to get behind with all your duties and life just won’t be pretty at all. It’s a sad truth, but there’s not much that can be done there.
This means that you should make sure you enjoy the holidays to the fullest, but don’t forget that once they’re over, the new year will have many new challenges ready for you to deal with.