Inside Out
“I’m too sad to walk, just give me a few...hours to...”
The positive sheer sadness and laziness of my favorite Inside Out character deserves its own stellar review, because I swear I can continue to quote Sadness throughout the entirety of me writing this article. I won’t, but the temptation is seriously there!
Inside Out is the latest of Pixar’s numerous hit movies. In this particular film, the writers delve into the inner workings of a pre-pubescent girl who’s moved from a happy childhood in rural Minnesota to the starkly different urban San Francisco. Within Riley’s mind is a set of five emotional manifestations: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. The five main emotions work together to influence Riley’s actions and memories through their brain Headquarters, and in order to keep power to Riley’s five memory islands, core memories must be placed in their rightful areas.
Of course, this would be so peachy if Joy had her way all the time, right?
But Riley is 11, and not everything goes right in the move to San-Fran. I can attest to being uprooted from one location to the other, and it is not a pleasant thing to experience. To see the emotions Riley goes through is certainly interesting, and what Inside Out does is portray the inner workings of an 11-year-old during a tumultuous time in her life.
That in itself is a breakthrough spearheaded by Pixar. The movie itself—on an outward capacity—isn’t anything out of the ordinary. It’s about a girl troubled by the events in her life, who tries to deal with it how she can, but ultimately finds that maybe it’s all too much and running away is the only option. However, Pixar takes this truly mundane event and takes it to a place where everything is blown up and out of this world.
There were certainly a lot of things I could say were my favorite parts of Inside Out, but Sadness was probably the girl who takes the cake. She was certainly the buzzkill mood of the entire venture, but the movie pretty much shows that without the presence of Sadness, there isn’t much to appreciate about Joy. In fact, every emotion seems to play a major part in the decision-making of Riley and that of the other characters. Certainly, I had quite a bit of a field day when Pixar gave us a peek of what the rest of the people in the movie were thinking.
Lord, some of the quotes in the movie are gold. I couldn’t have found anything more entertaining to watch in the movie theatres.